CLEAR.GIF (807 bytes)

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National Wood
Flooring Association

CLEAR.GIF (807 bytes)

Sample is ¾-by-2¼ inch
square-edge solid strip.
Top portion is finished
with water base urethane;
bottom with oil modified

Heartwood varies from light yellow/orange to reddish brown or yellowish brown; sapwood is light tan to yellowish white.
GRAIN: Closed, with high figuring; patterns range from clear to knotty.
VARIATIONS WITHIN SPECIES AND GRADES: Longleaf pine (P. palustris), shortleaf pine (P. echinata), loblolly pine (P. taeda), slash pine (P. elliottii). All have many of the same characteristics as Douglas fir. Old-growth lumber in these varieties has substantially higher density
and is more stable than second-growth material.


HARDNESS (JANKA): Loblolly and shortleaf 690, 47% softer than Northern red oak; longleaf 870, 33% softer than N. red oak.
DIMENSIONAL STABILITY: Above average (change coefficient .00265; 28% more stable than red oak).
DURABILITY: Soft, fairly durable, although not as resistant to scuffs, dents and abrasions as the hardwoods. Often used for flooring, but may not be suitable for all applications due to its softness.

Good machining qualities.
SANDING: Resin in wood tends to clogs abrasives; frequent sandpaper changes are required.
NAILING: Good holding ability and resistance to splitting.
FINISHING: A durable finish can help minimize wear.

COMMENTS: Generally                     manufactured for flooring with no end-match; sometimes flooring is "distressed" to create an antique look.

(relative to plainsawn select red oak)

Commodity item, available as unfinished strip and plank flooring in a variety of widths and thicknesses through specialty wood flooring dealers and some lumberyards.

Information Provided by The National Wood Flooring Association

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give us a call at 973-471-7171 or stop by our showroom.