COLOR: Sapwood is gray-white; heartwood is salmon red to orange-brown when
fresh, and becomes russet or reddish brown when seasoned; often marked with dark streaks.
GRAIN: Mostly interlocked; texture is medium to rather coarse.
VARIATIONS WITHIN SPECIES AND GRADES: Moderate to high color variation.
HARDNESS (JANKA): 2350; 82% harder than
Northern red oak.
DIMENSIONAL STABILITY: Average (change coefficient .00300; 19% more
stable than red oak). However, actual installations have demonstrated significant movement
in use.
DURABILITY: Dense and very strong. |

SAWING/MACHINING: Sawing is difficult due to high density; requires
frequent resharpening of tools. Planing is difficult due to interlocked grain. Can be
machined to a smooth surface. Carbide tooling recommended.
SANDING: Sands well.
NAILING: Good holding ability, but due to hardness may require adjustment
of angle of penetration and/or height.
FINISHING: No known problems. COMMENTS: Light-sensitive; darkens
rapidly upon exposure to sunlight.
(relative to plainsawn select red oak)
Readily available. |